Angels Healing Light is a product and method of practice Iliana Healing Light. The practice is based in The Hague, in the Netherlands.
Appointments & ask information
send a message
make an appointment
or call 06 8365 8092
from Mon to Fri 09:00-12:00 hrs
Visit the practice
at Vleugels
Elandstraat 77a
2513 GM The Hague
Paid parking in the street from 09:00-24:00.
Online consultations
Via a video consultation using Zoom.
Download the free app.
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Practical information
Name of practice: Iliana Healing Light
KVK: 59871350
VAT: NL002122240B86
Postal address: Riouwstraat 174, 2585 HX The Hague
Practice address: Elandstraat 77a, 2513 GM The Hague
The General Terms and Conditions
The therapy and services offered is complementary or additional. This means that in the event of serious or life-threatening complaints, you always visit your GP first. Complementary therapy complements a regular treatment, but does not replace it.
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