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De krachtig helende energieen van Angels Healing Light ontstaan in 2016 na een engelen-ervaring. Hieruit werd het idee geboren om een spray te maken met engelen-energie om zo meer mensen deze krachtige heling te laten ervaren. Angels Healing Light is beschikbaar als spray, draagbuisje en poster.

The angels

Meet the angels and light masters of Angels Healing Light. Each angel has its own powers and focus. When the time is right, a new energy will add to the series. Below you will find...

The Power of Angels

Welcome in the light of angels, at Angels Healing Light. The angels are ready to help you, through healing, a reading or with a remedy. Do you need light, connection and healing? Angels Healing Light offers you various ways.

Angels Healing Light is a series of remedies for healing and consciousness. These special remedies contain the healing light of the angels and light masters. The series was created in 2016, when energy therapist and psychic Iliana Kudus was blessed to receive the very first lightcode. This was sent by angel Haniel, angel of intuition, femininity and natural healing. What started with a single thought, is now materialized.

Powerful and pure

Through collaboration with the angels – for each remedy, the light code of an angel or light master has been received – the remedies are powerful and pure. The series consists of 23 angels and light masters and continues to grow.


You can receive a healing or reading through Iliana’s practice. You will receive these at a distance.

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